Are you busily wrapping presents as Christmas is only 9 days away??!! I finally finished shopping today. I shouldn't say "finished." My husbands side doesn't celebrate Christmas until his parents can be here in February. So I'm done shopping for everyone I needed to shop for by December 25.
I enjoy watching a Christmas movie or listening to Christmas music while wrapping presents, but I think I might bust this song out tonight while-st I finish up my gift wrapping. (Caleb Hawley's music video) Here comes 2012!!!
I was born on January 13, 1982 at 1:09 am weighing in at 7 lbs 8 oz. Today I am a God-fearing, wife to a youth pastor, mommy to 3 little boys, book reading, cross-stitching, bike riding, bubble bath enjoying, think-too-much, introverted 31 year old.
Thomas was born on September 12, 1980 at 11:09 am weighing in at 9 lbs 6 oz. Today he is my God-fearing, father of my 3 little boys, youth pastoring, soccer playing, drivers-ed and gym teaching, sports loving, super good-looking, extroverted hubby.
Garrison was born on January 12, 2008 at 4:42 pm weighing in at 8 lbs 9.5 oz. Today he is our thumb-sucking, deep thinking, sleeping-in-5-minutes, school loving, NASCAR enjoying, introverted, little kindergartner.
Josiah was born on September 24, 2009 at 12:49 pm weighing in at 8 lbs 9.5 oz (exactly like his big bro.) Today he is our extremely funny, very stubborn, strong-willed, lives on chocolate milk, costume wearing, superhero pretending, extroverted, little 4 year old.
"Our little blessed one"
On September 16, 2011 our little baby went to be with Jesus at 9 1/2 weeks gestation. I had an ultrasound one week prior to loosing them and was able to see their little body and heartbeat. At the time, I was in love with the name Bennett, though we didn't know if they were a boy or girl. Today we call them "our little blessed one" as that is what Bennett means. We know one day we'll be able to meet him or her, but for now we take enormous comfort in the fact they are in Jesus' care.
Cade was born on October 1, 2012 at 12:36 pm weighing in at 8 lbs 15.6 oz. Today he is our extremely happy, always smiling, forever flirting, 10 toothed, sleeping-in-5-minutes, food inhaling, very active little baby.
Aza was born on May 13, 2005 at who knows what time or weighing in at what weight. She came to us on July 2, 2005. Today she is our senior girl, laying around in the sun, walking everyday with her buddy Thomas, loving being fed by the boys, raw hide bone chewing, treat freaking, absolutely wonderful dog.
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