My heart and mind have been swirling with thankfulness. I've been spending the last week preparing for the upcoming family gathering at my house. The menu has been written and the turkey has been purchased. The to-do list has been established and the get-it-done mode has been placed, but I don't want Thanksgiving to be all about how it looks or how well I prepared everything. I want it to be about all that I have. All that God has blessed me with.
Many times I jump too fast into seeing the negative. Seeing the problem before the person. The pencil markings on the wall before the little fingers that wanted to draw a picture. The pile of dishes that I'm doing by myself before the laughter of a father and his sons in the next room. The toothpaste all over the sink before the little boy who just wanted to be independent. The ceiling falling apart before the kids in the bathtub having fun splashing water. The broken fence post before the game winning kick. The unfinished to-do list before the little boys who wanted a story read, a train track built, a board game played, a drink given, an ouchie kissed. And lately with each of these things God has been reminding me to be thankful. Don't look at the problem He'll take care of the details. Look at the person and be thankful they are brightening my day with their presence.
Ok, I teared up reading this!!
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